Category - 経理・会計・金融


流動資産/Current assets
固定負債/Non-current liabilities
貨幣資金/Cash and cash equivalents
受取手形/Notes receivable
売掛金/Accounts receivable
前渡金/前払い金/Advance payments
手許現金/手元現金/Cash on hand
銀行預金/Cash in banks
中央銀行現金預け金/Balances with central bank
同業現金預け金/Balances with banks and other financial institutions
その他貨幣資金/Other monetary assets
決済預け金/Deposit for settlement
預け保証金/Guarantee deposit
売買目的金融資産/Trading financial assets
未収配当金/Dividend receivable
未収利息/Interest receivable
未収代位求償債権/Subrogation receivable
未収再保険債権/Accounts receivable for reinsurance
未収再保険契約準備金/Accounts receivable for reinsurance reserve
その他未収金/Other receivable
貸倒引当金/Allowance for doubtful accounts
割引資産/Discounted assets
金融機関向け貸出金/Lending to banks and other financial institutions
貸出貸倒引当金/Allowance for impairment loss of loans
受取代理証券/Securities from customers
代理業務資産/Assets from entrusted services
債務弁済資産/Assets for debt payment
リース投資資産/Leasing assets
在庫損失引当金/Allowance for loss of inventories
満期保有目的投資/Held-to-maturity investments
満期保有目的投資損失引当金/Allowance for loss of held-to-maturity investment
売却可能金融資産/Available-for-sale financial assets
長期持分投資/Long-term equity investment
長期持分投資損失引当金/Allowance for loss of long-term equity investment
投資性不動産/Trading real property
長期未収金/Long-term receivable
未実現リース収益/Unrealized financing income
預け資本保証金/Statutory deposits–restricted
固定資産/Non-current assets
減価償却累計額/Accumulated depreciation
固定資産損失引当金/Allowance for impairment loss of non-current assets
建設仮勘定/Construction in progress
工程物資/Materials for construction
固定資産処分勘定/Disposal of non-current assets
見積残存価額/Estimated residual value
生産性生物資産/Productive biological assets
生産性生物資産減価償却累計額/Accumulated depreciation for productive biological assets
公益性生物資産/Biological assets for public welfare
石油天然ガス資産/Assets of oil and gas
資産償却累計額/Accumulated amortization of asset
無形資産/Intangible assets
無形資産償却累計額/Accumulated amortization of intangible assets
無形資産損失引当金/Allowance for loss of intangible assets
売上高/Net sales/Revenue
利息収入/Interest income
手数料及びコミッション収入/Fee and commission income
保険料収入/Premium income
リース収入/Leasing income
その他収益/Other revenue
為替差損益/Foreign exchange losses and gains
公正価値変動損益/Gain or loss on movement in fair value
投資収益/Gain on investment
保険契約責任準備金戻入/Reversal of policy reserve
支払保険金戻入/Reversal of reinsurance claims paid
支払再保険料戻入/Reversal of reinsurance premiums paid
営業外収益/Non-operating income
売上原価/Cost of sales
その他収益原価/Cost of other revenue
営業税等/Sales tax and other taxes
利息支出/Interest expense
手数料及びコミッション支出/Fee and commission expense
期日未到来責任準備金繰入額/Provision for policy reserve
貸借対照表/Balance Sheet/BS
流動負債/Current liabilities
株主資本/Shareholders' equity
現金及び現金同等物/Cash and cash equivalent
半製品/Semi-finished goods
商品及び製品/Merchandise and finished goods
建物及び構築物/Buildings and structures
機械装置/Machinery and equipment
電子機器および装置/Electronic machinery and equipment
車両運搬具及び工具器具備品/Vehicles, tools, furniture and fixtures
土地使用権/Land use right
損益計算書/Income statement/Profit and Loss statement/PL
営業利益/Operating income
経常利益/Ordinary income
純利益/Net income
株主資本等変動計算書/Statement of changes in shareholders equity
剰余金の配当/Dividend to shareholders
キャッシュフロー計算書/Statements of Cash Flows/CF
営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー/Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities
投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー/Net cash provided by (used in) investment activities
財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー/Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities
年間売上高/年商/Annual sales
純資産/Net assets
登記資本金/Registered capital
支払方法/Payment method
その他の流動資産/Other current assets
固定資産純額/Net value of non-current assets
繰延資産/Deferred assets
総資産/資産合計/Total assets
短期借入金/Short-term loan payable
支払手形/Notes payable
買掛金/Accounts payable
前受金/Advances received
未払税金/Tax payable
その他未払金/その他債務/Other payable
その他の流動負債/ Other current assets
長期借入金/Long-term loans payable
払込資本金/Paid-in capital
資本剰余金/資本準備金/Capital surplus
利益剰余金/Retained earnings
未処分利益/Undisposed retained earnings
株主資本合計/株主持分合計/Total shareholders' equity
販売原価/Cost of selling
主力業務利益/Main business profit
その他業務利益/Other business profit
販売費/Selling expenses
管理費/Administrative expenses
財務費/Financial cost
補助金等の収入/補填収入/Subsidy income
営業外費用/Non-operating expenses
流動比率/Liquidity ratio
当座比率/Quick assets ratio
長期投資/Long-term investment
資産負債比率/Asset-liability ratio
財産権比率/Property right ratio
流動資産回転率/Turnover rate of current assets
総資産回転率/Turnover rate of total assets
棚卸資産回転率/Inventory turnover
未収入金回転率/Turnover rate of accounts receivable
未収入金回転率平均回転日数/Average turnover days of accounts receivable
利益率/Profit rate
自己資本利益率/Return on equity/ROE
総資産利益率/Return On Assets/ROA
純損失/Net loss
連結財務諸表/Consolidated financial statements
預金/Deposits/Cash in banks
繰延税金/Deferred tax
未払費用/Accrued expenses
株主持分/所有者持分/Shareholders' equity
減損引当/Provision for impairment
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